Saturday, January 2, 2010

Best Pinky What's Best For A Gunshot To The Pinky?

What's best for a gunshot to the pinky? - best pinky

My friend was shot in the finger, as he is 3 months and bone fractures. sent home with a splint on his finger and is worn, but to strengthen the fingers, is wrong. It says that because his inflated, why it looks like. I say you need surgery, but he's afraid to seek medical care. Recently, the finger was painful and you want to be easily doped only, but I like this idea. I want to do something to help him and his fingers, so I tried physical therapy and the help does not work .. Balls, not vibrators do not help. I do not see him so sad, so when doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, or anyone who knows these things. Can you give me some suggestions on what they can come to their aid. Thank you in advance.


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